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You can break a woman temporarily...but a real woman will always pick up the pieces...rebuild herself and come back stronger than ever. If you show up to break won't happen "I AM WATER" water doesn't break. If you need to prove superiority it won't happen "I AM AIR", Air will always rise...if you try to draw blood from me won't happen "I AM METAL", your internal pain cannot penetrate my veins. If you try to suppress me, it won't happen "I AM FIRE", my light cannot be extinguished...I'm unbreakable and it's been proven!!!

Someone once asked me...what is my weakness? I replied, I'm sensitive and smallest things hurt ...again they asked me ,what is my strength?. My rely was ...little things makes me happy. Sometimes we find ourselves barely walking through each day, battle weary and war torn. The onslaught from daily life can leave us with battle wounds. We're tired,exhausted,weary and can barely lift our heads up to face the next onslaught. I had numerous days like those...seasons of exhaustion and weariness of trails and suffering. Times I've thought "I just can't do this". Times I've thought ,"when will life get easier?" Life can be hard sometimes can't it?!!!

We have seasons where it's one thing after another after another ...our reserves are tapped out and can barely cling onto hope of a brighter day...well I'd love to play some happy music...followed by some lovely cliche to brighten up this thought. But reality has shown me that life is hard and with it can come deep pain and grief. I would never pretend otherwise because frankly that's just futile and patronizing !!!

Let's just be real and honest...we all know life can be messy, right? There are lots of people hurting out there...I mean really hurting, really having it tough. Truthfully I cannot imagine how I'd come through the things I've face if I wasn't as strong as I am ...pain and the trauma others have caused you can twist your soul into a mangled mess...if you're not strong it's hard to find your way back to you. Remember it's hard to heal when you are still in a place where you are being hurt...don't collect red are worth so much more...don't settle for less!!!


Stay safe


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