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Behind every strong woman there is a story that gave her no other choice...

That's not my story, my story is so much more than that ,it's one of heartbreak and struggle,failures and setbacks. It's also full of chapters of fighting back ,finding my strength and rising from ashes; I can't go change the mistakes of the beginning ,but I surely hold the power to rewrite the next chapters and create a happy future !!!

It may not be a fairy tale, or the prettiest adventurous tales, but it's genuine, honest ,authentic and real.

(Just like me) . I'm forging a new direction ,forgetting all the negativity, hurt and pain that once dragged me down . I know now what I never realized before : I control my own destiny and it's up to me where I end up and how.

Im rising my voice,stoking my passion and spreading my wings like I never did before. This time I'm reaching for the stars and never looking back , my life my dreams ,just like me ,they're strong and immeasurably beautiful ...

I never really had a voice on the person i became, i went down all the broken roads and fell down way to many times.

Sometimes I'd wondered if I'll ever get back, when you find all doors closing ,and disappointment around every corner ,you almost stop seeing the good things in your life. Its easy to get stuck in all the bad stuff and it's easier to get swallowed in it . I had a choice either stay in darkness and accept being miserable ,or choose to rise above the struggle and forge a strong will power that can't be broken ...

Yes my wings got clipped for a short time, yes I stumbled and fell to my knees, yes I stopped being happy for a long time . But then I remembered who I was and that I was so much more than I let myself become. I'm not a failure ever though I've failed. I've made a whole lot of mistakes and bad choices, but that does not define me. I'll stumble and fall, but I won't stay down forever ,I found myself in a black pit that threatened to overwhelmed me , however that's not how my story ends ...

I rise like I always do !!! Fight and take back what is rightfully mine .That's my peace and a sound mind ...


Stay safe


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