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Apology accepted, trust denied, we move on...Love is when you give your heart and soul to another and they give you their's in return ,didn't know that lies came in different shades . Sometimes we don't really know how to let go of love (not when it felt so real).

We don't really move on, we don't even know how to cope with the loss (or we simply learn to cope) . We learn to smile when we sad , we learn to laugh when we broken and adapt, we survive ,we hope for the best, that's what we do !!!

You not a queen because someone approved of you ,you're a queen because despite the headache ,the betrayals and the struggles you face ,you still get up every morning put on your crown, wipe away your tears and face the world with your chin up.

No matter what keeps knocking you down in life , you get back up and keep going . You never give up "great struggles are a result of great

perseverance" .You never know how strong you are until you're pushed beyond what you thought you could handle and you emerge on the other side with more bravery ,more grace and determination than you realized you ever had !!!

Behind my smile is a broken heart, behind my laugh I'm falling apart, behind my eyes are endless tears , behind my body is a soul trying to fight.

I'm not afraid to be my own,I'm the most natural born drama queen,I laugh at myself all the time, im funny it may be difficult to believe,but I'm the most reliable go to person. My story is filled with broken pieces, terrible choices, and ugly truths . It's also filled with major

comeback. Nothing changes, until you change, everything changes ,once you've changed . Going forth ,small circle ,private life and a peaceful mind !!!

I'm not letting the memories of my past limit the potential of my future . Things will eventually work out in your favor, everything you're stressing about won't even matter soon. Long awaited change is coming your way "embrace it" .

Let go of the old and welcome this new energy ; it is time . Exist to be happy not to impress . Everything will work out in the end ,you don't need to know how, you just have to trust that it will.

Never let a bad situation ,bring out the worst in you ,be strong and chose to be positive !!!


Stay safe


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